Dade City, FL

Boiled Water Notice - Postponed April 30 Workshop

7th Street Streetscape - Conceptual Plan

The City desires to improve the downtown area into an attractive, walkable and bikeable destination that will appeal both to residents and visitors. The City has obtained the professional services of Johnson Engineering to develop a Streetscape Improvement Conceptual Plan along 7th Street from Pond Avenue to Florida Avenue. The type of improvements being considered along the corridor is a complete street concept to reconfigure the sections for traffic calming and to accommodate sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaping and lighting. 
Johnson Engineering has prepared the  1st draft renderings of the possible configurations of each typical section of the corridor. They have been broken down into four sections:

Section 1 - Florida Ave - Church Ave
Section 2 - Church Ave - Meridian Ave
Section 3 - Meridian Ave - Martin Luther King Blvd
Section 4 - Martin Luther King Blvd - Pond Ave

The City is seeking community engagement and input into the development of the streetscape strategy. Please use the form below to provide feedback. 
If you prefer to speak to someone please call Tina Mauriello, Project Manager at 352-523-5050 extension 420.

7th Street Improvements - Conceptual Design