Dade City, FL

Comprehensive Plan

Per Chapter 163 of Florida Statutes, local governments are required to create, adopt and maintain a Comprehensive Plan. Dade City's Comprehensive Plan identifies the principles, guidelines, standards, and strategies for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal development of the area and reflects the City's vision and community commitments which implement the plan.

These principles and strategies guide future decisions in a consistent manner and contain programs and activities to ensure the Comprehensive Plan is implemented. The sections of the Comprehensive Plan are structured as Goals, Objectives, and Policies and describe how Dade City's programs, activities, and land development regulations are implemented.  To view the City's Comprehensive Plan, please click here

2023 Update to the Comprehensive Plan (We want to hear from you.)

Dade City is updating the Comprehensive Plan so that it includes policies to implement its strategic plan and reflects the community’s long-term vision. To that end, the project will kick off with a series of public workshops in July which will provide small group activities and open forum discussions about the future of the City according to its residents. More information about the City’s approach to public involvement for the Comprehensive Plan project can be found by clicking this here.

Quick Facts:

  • Comprehensive Plans are required for all Local Governments
    • Governed by Florida Statute 163.3177
    • Reviewed at least one time every 7 years (known as the EAR-based amendments - Evaluation and Appraisal Review of the Comprehensive Plan)
  • The project includes three basic components:
    • Public Workshops
    • Data Collection, Analysis and Map Series
    • Goals, Objectives and Policies
  • The Update will look at current conditions and any requirements that are needed to respond to changes in Community Planning Laws.

For more information on the Comprehensive Plan Project, please contact Georgina Cid, Community & Economic Development Director at (352) 523-5050, Ext 402 or email at

Public Workshops for the Comprehensive Plan Update.

The public workshops were held at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, July 17 at City Hall (English) and 6:00 p.m. Monday, July 31st (Spanish) at Saint Rita's .The second meeting was facilitated in Spanish by a Certified Spanish Translator.

Amending the Plan

Amendments to Comprehensive Plan are proposed by property owners or local governments to change the designation from those listed within the Comprehensive Plan to another one listed in the Comprehensive Plan. There are two types of map amendments, small scale and large scale. Amendments can also include text amendments. Small Scale amendments are for properties 50 acres or less and Large Scale amendments are for text amendments and properties that are larger than 50 acres. Each requires a review by the Planning Board and the City Commissioners through a public hearing process. Only Large Scale amendments are also reviewed by state and regional agencies. Please see the links (at the bottom of this webpage) to the Florida Division of Community Development for more on these types of amendments.

If you are interested in amending your future land use or zoning, please click here for the application materials required. 


If you are a property owner currently in the County and wish to annex into the City, there are a few steps you must complete. Please contact our planning staff at 352-523-5050 to set up a pre-application meeting to discuss what is needed from you. The City and the County have a couple of interlocal agreements regarding utility services and annexations. As part of a joint effort and to reduce duplications of services and to enable the City to plan for the expansion of water and sewer needs for the future of the City, we have both a joint planning area and a utility service area boundary that have been agreed upon with the County. Below are the links to the maps that are part of the interlocal agreements: